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The UK Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (a professional body) has completed a review of skills and needs: the report is now online. Number of specialist skills and training gaps identified, including taxonomy and identification skills for a number of taxa, and various ecological survey and assessment techniques for these taxa. Ties in with the earlier NERC-led review of postgraduate skills needs for the environment sector and the recent NERC
One of elements of discussion within the IPBES development process is asssessment of biodiversity and ecosystem services - there was a recent informal workshop in Japan that will input to the October plenary of IPBES. In particular, there is a difficulty in finding appropriate scaling, methodology and reasonable data that means assessment processes can have scientific and policy credibility from local to global scales.
Article in Nature about development of academic bibliometrics by Google and Microsoft. Declan Butler Computing giants launch free science metrics Published online 2 August 2011 | Nature 476, 18 (2011) | doi:10.1038/476018a
A useful overview article in Yale environment360 on citizen science and social media.
Important review article on trends in impacts on the deep sea. Overview of major impact from past disposal to current exploitation to future climate impacts, identification of vulnerable systems and policy implications. Ramirez-Llodra E, Tyler PA, Baker MC, Bergstad OA, Clark MR, et al. 2011 Man and the Last Great Wilderness: Human Impact on the Deep Sea. PLoS ONE 6(8): e22588. doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0022588
The report of a UK workshop on IPBES is now available. The first plenary of IPBES is to be held on 3-7 October 2011, with a likely focus on organisation and governance for those governments participating.
Interview in Science with Wayne Clough, Secretary of the Smithsonian - online extended interview as well. Mention of the SI research grand challenges. Mervis, J. 2011 Wayne Clough Wants Smithsonian Science to Escape Its Shadow.
The American Association of Museums' Centre for the Future of Museums has just launched a project on forcasting the future of museum ethics with the Institute for Museum Ethics.Good blog post on some of the issues.
The UK parliament's House of Commons Committee on Science and Technology has published a report of its inquiry on Peer Review in Scientific Publications, with conclusions and recommendations. /... more