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NHM Science Strategy - All
IUCN has published a review of biodiversity in the overseas territories ("entities") of EU countries - recommendations for an integrated EU policy.
Just posted on the secretariat website - the review of the Census of Marine Life - lessons learnt.
Launch today of a new All-Party Parliamentary Group for Biodversity, bringing together a range of parliamentary and other interests.
Recent paper from Cheng et al in PNAS on using museum collections of formalin-preserved amphibia to investigate chytrid epidemics. Commentary from Lips. Linked in terms of techniques to Barry Clarke's work in the NHM. References/....more
UK government Foresight report (so horizon scanning/assessment) published in July 2011 on the International Dimensions of Climate Change, together with a wide range of supporting evidence reports.
Good video talk from Rod Page on phylogeography visualisation and other innovation at VIZBI 2011. New possibilities for presenting and engaging with scientific ideas and data - I want one of those video walls in the galleries!
Another facet to the public engagement/science in society/citizen science complex of activities - science shops, which have apparently been around since the 1970s with an international network. The idea seems to be to develop an interface at which the public can request/participate in/engage with research with a research provider such as a university. ScienceWise ERC provides news on a new EU injection of funds.
Useful Biodiversity Economics website from IUCN/WWF
UNDP/GEF report on biodiversity markets - offset and related initatives.
There was an IPBES capacity building workshop in Trondheim in late May 2011 - summary from IIED, but link to report was not working initially.