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New guidance out from GBIF on Preserving Biodiversity Knowledge From Impact Assessment - including biodiversity in EIAs, and using the data legacy.
UK Government response to the House of Commons Science and Technology Committee report on Strategically Important Metals.
The UK House of Commons Science and Technology Committee has produced a report on Practical experiments
in school science lessons and science field trips. There are some fairly prosaic concerns on bureaucratic barriers to out-of-classroom science, but an interesting, complex and partial picture of the role of practicals and field work in education and in educating scientists. Wide range of evidence views from different UK organisations. -
Thanks to Stephen and John - look at the Cornell Ornithology Lab for a database of resources on citizen science, and a ten-year review of citizen science and environmental monitoring (paywall) - Conrad, C and Hilchey, K (2011) A review of citizen science and community-based environmental monitoring: issues and opportunities Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 176 273-291, DOI: 10.1007/s10661-010-1582-5
The Arts Council of England (ACE) took over umbrellla responsibility for English non-national museums on the abolition of the Museums, Archives and Libraries Council. ACE has published Culture, knowledge and understanding: great museums and libraries for everyone (a companion document to their arts strategy) also asks for consultation views. Also of interest is A Review of Research
The first plenary meeting of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services is planned for 3-7 October in Nairobi. Papers are going up on the website: most relate to governance and organisation, but there are some papers relating to initial thinking on capacity building and assessment in work plans. The work plan itself seems likely to be discussed at the following plenary in 2012.
Report out from the Research Information Network/JISC on Data Centres: their use, value and impact. Interesting, but a relatively limited view - little on international context or potential, or use internationally. Would also be interesting to think about career incentives for scientists to contribute and curate, and the potential impacts of RCUK/EPSRC emerging requirements for data preservation and access.
The US National Academies' Press has just released A Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Core Ideas. Interesting parallel to the UK exercise on reviewing the National Curriculum for England. The direction of the UK review is opaque, but some interesting input views expressed on the Science Council website, especially from SCORE.
News release from UC Berkeley on the new Vertnet - intended to integrate existing unsupported vertebrate database initiatives (HerpNet, MaNIS, ORNIS and FishNET) and address difficulties with scaling and sustainability in part through cloud computing. Primarily US collections, but some other large non-US i
The UK Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) has published a report Economic Valuation of the Benefits of Ecosystem Services delivered by the UK Biodiversity Action Plan. Complex but interesting, ties in to the National Ecosystem Assessment.