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The PLoS Biodversity hub has been around for almost a year now, bringing together open access publications. A new paper from Mindell et al. on PLoS is essential reading on the potential for integration of many biodiversity resources with open access research. Not least, a good list of intiatives, which reads:..../ more
The report and response on the impartiality of BBC coverage of science has been published - commissioned by the BBC Trust. Interesting reading overall, with a conclusion of a high quality of coverage, but areas for improvement. In broad terms there is a need to improve the appropriate weight given in terms of the scientific consensus (where this exists) in areas of controversy - so how pro and con views on human-induced climate change are given.
Google scholar is currently testing a citations metric capability with a limited group of users with various measures such as h-index, i-10 and so on. An outline on the GS blog and links to information.
A short summary on Antarctic ecosystems, policy needs and biodiversity from DG Environment.
The recent World Forum on Enterprise and the Environment organised by the Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment at Oxford has an annual emphasis on valuing ecosystem services. Lot of reports, blogs videos and resources from high level participants available - report planned for the autumn. One of a range of fora that we might expect to contribute to the way that IPBES develops.
Nature news article on changes to the rules governing taxonomy in botany - the International Botanical Congress is in session and has agreed to radical changes in allowing electronic publication, provoked by Sandy Knapp. A more minor, but interesting, change is agreement that descriptions and diagnoses may be published in either Latin or English - not only in Latin.
Article in Nature on the challenge for biodiversity and conservation science in providing information to meet needs. Andelman, S J Conservation science outside the comfort zone Nature 475,290–291(21 July 2011) doi:10.1038/475290a
There are a range of different approaches to integrated web presentation of biodiversity on a national level, bringing together in various ways research, information, public awareness and participation, policy and other concerns. Just at random, because I've looked at a few recently and like these, and because the Swedish one was helpfully pointed out to me this morning:
Nobel Laureates symposium in Stockholm in May produced a the Stockholm Memorandum: a set of fundamental objectives for sustainable development. This has been handed to the Secretary-General's High-Level Panel on Global Sustainability - a key body for the preparation for the Rio +20 meeting next year. We can expect quite a lot of other views to emerge in coming months as the discussions and preparation develops