Biodiversity policy: expertise and assessments


One of elements of discussion within the IPBES development process is asssessment of biodiversity and ecosystem services - there was a recent informal workshop in Japan that will input to the October plenary of IPBES. In particular, there is a difficulty in finding appropriate scaling, methodology and reasonable data that means assessment processes can have scientific and policy credibility from local to global scales.  Some intitiatives of interest: /...more

Nested Networks at the Helmholtz Centre at UFZ - research directly in the context of the IPBES process

The 2009 Assessment of Assessments - looking at marine assessments and needs for science and policy relevance within the UN

A New European Environment Assessment of Assessments - a draft is available and is to be discussed in September 2011 by ministers - undertaken by EEA, but the scope is Europe-wide, not only EU.

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