Biodiversity UK: UK biodiversity partnership conference in Stirling
Upcoming conference in November - looks likely to look at the way forward on biodiversity policy in the UK.
Upcoming conference in November - looks likely to look at the way forward on biodiversity policy in the UK.
Some progress but still a lot of brackets on the run up to Nagoya for the Access and Benefit Sharing protocol to the Convention on Biological Diversity. A negotiating meeting finished in Montreal earlier this week with a final report that will be further discussed in Nagoya.
Running up to Nagoya, the EU parliament adopted a report on 21 September 2010 that has been evolving from various committee disusssions and reports. Gives a view on what the Commission and Council should be doing and has done.
High-level meeting on 22 September 2010 on biodiversity at the UN General Assembly in New York. Interesting background paper focusing on future strategy, including the relation to poverty alleviation.
The UN General Assembly is currently in session but it is not clear yet whether the Intergovernmental science-policy platform on biodiversity and ecosystem services will make it onto the agenda - the decision has been postponed for the present. Paper number A/65/191 is the one that summarises the Busan outcome.
Vince Cable - Secretary of State at BIS - gave a speech on science today. Emphasis on innovation, quality, focus and reduced budgets. Similarities in policy terms with three reports out in March 2010 - the first from Hauser for BIS; a second aimed at the Conservatives from James Dyson; and a third from the BIS Council for Science and Technology.
Interesting paper from Alroy et al. and perspective from Marshall in Science on long-term shifts in marine biodiversity using collections data on the Paleobiology Database, to which Susanne Feist-Burkhardt and Andrew Smith contributed.
Science 3 September 2010: |
R. Marshal
The Interacademy Council has produced a review of IPCC that will be considered in Busan in October. Interesting to consider possible implications for the development of the possible Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) - if the General Assembly decide to proceed with this. Review is available from IAC and the Royal Society website. /...
The first couple of recommendations focus on an executive committee and executive director. Then two recommendations on review mechanisms - again of interest for IPBES.
The next recommendations are of interest for communicating biodiversity science in a risk context for policy audiences:
And a final recommendation on communications strategy.
The Royal Society has produced a report on the state of science and maths education in the UK from KS1-KS3. Predictably, too few specialist teachers, too little CPD, negative effects of testing, and inadequate policy. /...
This report follows previous science education polcy reports from the RS on KS4-5 in 2008 and on the teaching workforce in 2007.