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Two useful sites on informal science learning: Relating Research to Practice on informal science learning research resources; and the Centre for Advancement of Informal Science Education (CAISE) for a wide range of resources, wikis and other material.
The British Council has published a report Culture means Business with supporting evidence. Discusses the value of cultural and public links internationally and the relationship with business, summarised as:.../
Sir Mark Walport, the UK government's Chief Scientific Adviser, spoke to the House of Lords Science and Technology Committee on 21 May 2013. Streamed content on parliament tv
New Zealand has defined 10 National Science Challenges after a process of consultation and development, culminating in cabinet agreement. The intention is to define large-scale goals, focus investment and foster collaboration. The Challenges are:.../
Following a conference at the British Museum early in 2013, the UK Association of Independent Museums has produced a Success Guide to Successfully Working Internationally. Other Success Guides on volunteers, fundraising, retail, caf és and visitors are available
The Royal Society has been running a policy exercise - Vision for Science and Mathematics Education - focused on the UK for the next 15-20 years. Consultation is ongoing.
An interesting post on Rod Page's iPhylo blog on possibilities for measuring collections impact through citation in publications. Refers also to correspondence in Nature from Kevin Winker and Jack Withrow and the methods used to construct a Google Scholar profile for the University of Alaska Bird collection.
Following the US Open Data policy issued in May 2013, Project Open Data has been launched to promote open data practice and share experience for Federal bodies. Introduction on the White House blog.
The San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA) was developed at the American Society for Cell Biology meeting in late 2012. It argues for the elimination of journal impact factors in assessing scientists in funding, appointment and promotion decisions. In addition to the many US signatories, HEFCE and Wellcome have signed. The themes of the recommendations are summarised as..../
Within a wider international context of development of thinking and policy on open access, there have been a series of UK reports and recommendations in the last year. Some of the key resources are...../