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The UK parliament's House of Lords Select Committee on Science and Technology has published a report on Higher Education in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. The policy emphasis of the report is on supply and quality of graduates from UK universities and employer demand: there is significant concern that supply is insufficient for future needs.
Bioversity (formerly the International Plant Genetic Resources Institute-IPGRI) has updated CGIAR technical guidelines on collecting plant genetic diversity. Most of the content relates to technical aspects, but there is also a useful overview of legal issues covering progress so far under the CBD Nagoya Protocol and the related Global Plan of Action for the Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture and
The UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre (WCMC) has produced a set of Briefing Notes on biodiversity in preparation for the Rio+20 meeting.
A new website resource from the UK environment department DEFRA on the ecosystem approach: the Ecosystem Knowlege Network. Announces a workshop in late June 2012 on urban application.
Interesting post on the Nature News Blog on the first meeting of a Global Science Council - what it may become is unclear, but discussion of merit [peer] review. A number of principles were identified, as follows:
ICSU have produced a series of policy briefs in preparation for Rio +20, covering Energy
security, Health, Well-being, Green economy, Water security, Food security, Biodiversity
and ecosystems, Transforming governance and institutions, and Interconnected risks
and challenges -
Two outputs from the Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment at Oxford: the report of the 2011 World Forum, and Water Worlds, a review of water security issues.
New guidelines on internships in museums are available from the UK Museums Association, adding to Arts Council guidance and those from NCVO.
BSI has released a new document on collections standards to take account of energy use and carbon impacts: PAS 198:2012- Specification for managing environmental conditions for cultural collections. Origins with the Collections Trust and background from the Chief Executive of the Collections Trust, Nick Poole, on his