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The European Environment Agency is operating Eye on Earth, a website enabling the public to explore visualized environmental data - works best in Internet Explorer. A more detailed background explanation and history is available on the EEA pages.
Useful portal for information and resources for South Africa from SANBI: Biodiversity Advisor
The European Environment Agency has produced two reports: first The Impacts of Invasive Alien Species in Europe and the second on methods for assessment Invasive Alien Species Indicators in Europe
Dr Claire Donovan, Brunel University, has written a report for the UK Department of Culture, Media and Sport on A Holistic Approach to Valuing Our Culture. Recommendations on contextual validity of economic and non-economic approaches, the need for DCMS guidance, better tools (with reference to the AHRC Cultural Value Project) and
The Deutscher Museums Bund has produced Recommendations for the Care of Human remains in Museums and Collections for use by German institutions. Commentary and links (in German) also available.
As part of the horizon-scanning processes of the Nuffield Council on Bioethics, a discussion paper on Scientific Research Integrity has been written by Marie-Andrée Jacob of Keele University. Their Forward Look archive is also available
The UK parliament's House of Lords Science and Technology Committee has announced an inquiry on Scientific Infrastructure. In summary, the key questions are.../
The UK parliament's House of Commons Select Committee on International Development has published the report of an inquiry on Global Food Security, linked to the G8-linked UK/Brazil event on 8 June - Nutrition for Growth. The inquiry report is a high level review covering: more.../
The UK Department for Food, Environment and Rural Affairs (Defra) convened a Tree Health and Plant Biosecurity Expert Taskforce as part of the response to the outbreak of Ash dieback disease caused by Chalara. The Taskforce final report recommendations are..../
A consortium of UK biodiversity and conservation organizations have produced State of Nature, an assessment of biodiversity trends and status in the UK. There are depressing downward trends for many key species of conservation interest with some success stories. Key messages are:.../