Museum education USA: Learning labs in Libraries and Museums
An interesting post and project from the Center for Advancement of Informal Science Education on Learning Labs in Libraries and Museums (CAISE).
An interesting post and project from the Center for Advancement of Informal Science Education on Learning Labs in Libraries and Museums (CAISE).
The UK Commons Environmental Audit Committee is conducting an inquiry in to the proposed EU regulation on Invasive Alien Species. Evidence deadline 13 January 2014.
The European Commission has produced a draft regulation on Invasive Alien Species that provides a framework for action to prevent, minimise and mitigate the adverse impacts of Invasive Alien Species on biodiversity and ecosystem services. It proposes coordinated action, focusing resources on priority species and on increasing preventive measures, including countering intentional or unintentional introduction and release, a early warning and rapid response system, and managing spread.
The UK House of Lords Committee on Science and Technology has published the report of its inquiry into Scientific Infrastructure (with evidence). Recommends better long term planning; improved arrangements on operational costs; and more effective engagement with the EU on infrastructures, among other things.
Whole issue of International Innovation focused on women in science - December 2013
The UK Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) released The Business of the Environment in November 2013, outlining its future strategic direction.
ICOM (the UNESCO International Council of Museums) has published a Code of Ethics for Natural History Museums, providing guidance to supplement the ICOM Code of Ethics for Museums.
Eurobarometer report 401 EB79.2 looks at Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI), Science and Technology - public attitudes to science and technology. Covers engagement, attitudes, impact of science, ethics, young people, gender and open access. No mention of specific direct engagement experience such as museums or science centres.
The State of the UK's Birds 2013 has been produced by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB), British Trust for Ornithology (BTO), the Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust (WWT) – and the UK Government’s statutory nature conservation agencies: Natural England (NE); Natural Resources Wales (NRW); Northern Ireland Environment Agency (NIEA); Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH); and the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC).
The UK Arts and Humanities Research Council Strategy 2013-18 is available. Priorities and key themes are.../continued
1. Research
1.1. To support the best ideas and projects emerging from researchers.
1.2. To enable larger projects, including facilitating collaboration and interdisciplinarity.
1.3. To bring scholars together to address new research questions and agendas in themes and strategic initiatives.
1.4. To develop both the assessment and formative role of peer reviewers to ensure that funding is directed toward research of the highest quality and greatest ambition.
2. People
2.1. To develop postgraduate support to provide the strongest possible foundation for capacity, quality and creativity.
2.2. To support researchers through skills development, networks and projects.
2.3. To promote intellectual leadership through fellowships and large and thematic projects.
2.4. To develop our engagement with the research community through the measures highlighted under ‘AHRC Commons’ and, in tandem, to enhance the role of the AHRC Peer Review College as outlined below.
3. Partnerships and Knowledge Exchange
3.1. To extend our contribution to the UK’s creative economy through Knowledge Exchange and other means.
3.2. To deepen engagement with public, private and third sector partners to enlarge the contribution to the arts, public engagement and policy formation nationally and internationally.
Themes were developed by AHRC in 2009-10 and continue into the new strategic period: