Cultural heritage UK: English Heritage publishes Science Strategy
English Heritage, the UK public body responsible for key cultural heritage sites, has published its Science Strategy: covers materials, environments, capacities and related issues.
English Heritage, the UK public body responsible for key cultural heritage sites, has published its Science Strategy: covers materials, environments, capacities and related issues.
Nature has published (17 October 2013) a special on Impact - methodologies, use and misuse, and implications.
July 2013 paper in Science from Bateman et al. Bringing Ecosystem Services into Economic Decision-Making: Land Use in the UK DOI: 10.1126/science.1234379. Indicates that if land use decisions focus only on agriculture that overall ecosystem service value fall, but if all potential services are considered in planning, wild species diversity is conserved.
FAO have just published a report Aspects determining the risk of pesticides to wild bees: risk profiles for focal crops on three continents, adding to the range of pollinator resources on its AGP - Pollination pages. This contributes to the International Pollinator Initiative, a network of activities stemming from a CBD decision.
Current UK Parliament Commons Science and Technology Committee inquiry on public understanding of climate change and a Royal Society study on resilience and climate change.
IPCC Fifth Assessment Report and Summary for Policymakers are both available.