Citizen Science: Bioblitz guide
A revised Guide to Running a Bioblitz 2.0 has been produced by the Bristol Natural History Consortium, Natural History Museum, Stockholm Environment Institute York, and the Marine Biological Association
A revised Guide to Running a Bioblitz 2.0 has been produced by the Bristol Natural History Consortium, Natural History Museum, Stockholm Environment Institute York, and the Marine Biological Association
The European Commission has published an In-depth Report on Environmental Citizen Science (December 2013) as part of its Science for Environmental Policy programme. Refers to natural history museums a number of times.
The UK department for education is consulting on science post-16 A Levels. Ofqual, the UK agency for educational quality, is running a complementary consultation on A level redevelopment, informed by a review of A levels by Prof Mark Smith/...
.../who recommended major changes in maths in particular. Other reports on research from Ofqual of interest include
The UK Association for Science Education has published ASPIRES: Young People's Science and Career Aspirations 10-14 (December 2013), accompanied by a series of case studies.
The UK Parliament's Commons Business, Innovation and Skills Committee published the report of an Inquiry on Open Access in September 2013 (plus a second volume of evidence), followed by a UK Government response. This adds to the development of UK policy outlined in a post earlier in 2013:
There is active debate in the UK on museum funding in late 2013, often within a wider discussion on social inequality and social impact of museums. Rebalancing our Cultural Capital looks at inequities in investment in London vs other English regions. Where is Private Investment in the Arts Going? from Arts & Business looks at the situation 2011-12.
Arts Council of England (ACE), AHRC and Nesta are supporting a two year research project from 2013-15 on the use of digital technology by arts and cultural organisations in England. Digital Culture is an interim report from the study.
Research Councils UK developed a Concordat for Engaging the Public with Research in 2010 to which many UK universities and research institutions have signed up. Inspiration to Engage is a reiteration of the principles and highlights good practice case studies.