Research policy EU: Horizon 2020


Horizon 2020 is the post-2013 EU framework for research and innovation, still under development. A recent speech from the EU Commissioner responsible outlines three blocks of activity:..../more


"The first block, 'Excellence in the science base', will strengthen the EU's excellence in science, particularly through a significant strengthening of the spectacularly successful European Research Council.

The second block, 'Creating industrial leadership and competitive frameworks', will support business research and innovation. Actions will cover increasing investment in enabling and industrial technologies and support for innovation in SMEs with high growth potential.

The third block, 'Tackling societal challenges', will respond directly to challenges identified in Europe 2020. Its focus will be on the challenges of: health, demographic change and well-being; food security and the bio-based economy; energy; transport; supply of raw materials; resource efficiency and climate action; inclusive, innovative and secure societies"

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