The CBD Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA) met in Montreal in early November. CBD meeting report and documents are available and a comprehensive summary and analysis from IISD. SBSTTA is developing perspectives and advice for the COP - the next in October 2012 in Hyderabad. Particular points and recommendations;
- draft strategy for the Global Taxonomy Initiative with emphasis on capacity building needed for delivery of the Aichi targets by 2020. Mention of issues relating to mobility of genetic materials for research (in line with the Nagoya ABS protocol);
- baselines, indicators and monitoring of the Aichi targets on biodiversity for 2020
- ecosystem restoration - not a replacement for conservation. interest in new and emerging technologies
- invasive alien species - discusison on trade related issues. emerging interest in cryptogams - algae, bryophytes and fungi.
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