Science Policy UK: career development of research staff
RCUK commissioned a review of implementation of the agenda arising from Sir Gareth Roberts' 2002 report SET for Success, developing careers and skills for PhD students and research staff. This will continue to have a substantial influence on the policies of research funders and creates expectations and frameworks for the responsibilities of research institutions. Recommendations below /.....
Recommendation 1: Future funding arrangements should aim to move the transferableskills and career development agenda towards clearly defined goals and progresstowards these goals should be monitored against quantified starting points.
Recommendation 2: RCUK needs to ensure that specific funding and other initiativescontinue to stimulate and reinforce the development of transferable skills andsupport for career development of researchers, using mechanisms that are efficientfor the whole higher education sector and other stakeholders.
Recommendation 3: All funders must contribute financially (directly andindirectly) to the skills and career development of PhD students and researchstaff.
Recommendation 4: Research organisations must ensure that expertise is maintainedin specialist roles dedicated to maintaining the skills development and supportfor career development of researchers, even following changes in funding mechanisms.
Recommendation 5: Research organisations should continue to find ways ofsharing provision and best practice to minimise duplicated effort and support researchersmore effectively.
Recommendation 6: Research organisations, employers and other relevant stakeholderssuch as Vitae, should develop systematic and frequent interactions such thatthe focus on employment needs is the driver for future developments of transferrableskills training. Mechanisms for this and the blocks that prevent it happeningmust be understood and improved.
Recommendation 7: Vitae could be instrumental in providing a relatively independentand centralised coordinating function to establish a baseline, monitor progressand communicate widely about the benefits of the development of the transferableskills of researchers. Recalling the low level of engagement with employers,the panel believes that Vitae could take a more proactive and visible role asan intermediary between research organisations and other organisations such asemployers, recruitment organisations, careers services, and related stakeholders.
Recommendation 8: To achieve greater stability of the transferableskills training and career development of researchers, it is recommended thatall research organisations should recognise and reward appropriate behaviourssuch as good supervision of PhD students and career development of all researchstaff through their human resources policies and practices.
Recommendation 9: Wide communication and promotion of the standing and valueof the UK doctorate bothwithin and outside the UKis vital. In addition it is recommended that international activities in thedevelopment of researchers' skills are monitored and shared systematically byall stakeholders primarily by research organisations, but also by RCUK andVitae.