Biodiversity policy: MPA overview
A good global overview of marine protected areas in the context of the Aichi targets has been produced by the US Nature Conservancy, UNEP and UNEP-WCMC
A good global overview of marine protected areas in the context of the Aichi targets has been produced by the US Nature Conservancy, UNEP and UNEP-WCMC
The UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre (WCMC) has produced a set of Briefing Notes on biodiversity in preparation for the Rio+20 meeting. Briefing Notes as follows: 1) Synergies among multilateral environmental agreements and the Institutional Framework for Sustainable Development; 2) Biodiversity and ecosystem services indicators to track progress towards sustainable development; 3) Biodiversity and ecosystem services under a Green Economy in the Context of Sustainable Development and Poverty Eradication; 4) Integrating biodiversity and ecosystem services into business decision-making.
Published today, the long-awaited Biodiversity 2020: a strategy for England's wildlife and ecosystem services. This complements the earlier publication in 2011 of the UK government's policy white paper on the natural environment Nature's Choice and the UK National Ecosystem Assessment.
The UK National Ecosystem Assessment reporting has been launched with a Synthesis report - links to the 27 more detailed reports available also, but these are currently in a range of states of completion.
The UK National Ecosystem Assessment has just been published. This will tie in with the imminent publication of the new White Paper on environment and a new England biodiversity strategy.
IUCN and others have published a report on Global ocean protection : present status and future possibilities - good overview of Marine protected areas, with focus on what will be needed to deliver the target of 10% of the marine environment under the Nagoya commitments.
Strongly recommend having a look at the draft synthesis for the National Ecosystem Assessment, released yesterday, being led from WCMC for Defra..../ /...The emphasis is very much on ecosystem services, but takes a more detailed and developed approach than the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment for the national scale. Interesting views on trends and status, but also assessment of gaps and needs for development in understanding ecosystem services. What will also be interesting is how this might now contribute to the research direction of Defra and also of NERC/ESRC. I understand that the final report will be launched early 2011.