Science education UK: Maintaining Curiosity
The UK government's education inspectorate for England, OFSTED, has produced a survey of science education in schools: Maintaining Curiosity. Primary focus on assessment and methodology.
The UK government's education inspectorate for England, OFSTED, has produced a survey of science education in schools: Maintaining Curiosity. Primary focus on assessment and methodology.
Just out from the UK Department for Business, Innovation and Skills - International Education Strategy: global growth and prosperity. Includes commercial educational technology such as online education.
Two useful sites on informal science learning: Relating Research to Practice on informal science learning research resources; and the Centre for Advancement of Informal Science Education (CAISE) for a wide range of resources, wikis and other material.
The Royal Society has been running a policy exercise - Vision for Science and Mathematics Education - focused on the UK for the next 15-20 years. Consultation is ongoing.
The Wellcome Trust has published reports on two reviews relating to science education: Review of Informal Science Learning and Analysing the UK Science Education Community: the contribution of informal providers. A Wellcome Trust commentary is available.