Science policy: uncertainty in science
Interesting working paper published by the LSE Grantham Institute entitled Scientific Uncertainty: a user's guide.
Interesting working paper published by the LSE Grantham Institute entitled Scientific Uncertainty: a user's guide.
Article in Nature on the launch of NEON in the USA - The National Ecological Observatory Network, funded by NSF. Only just starting, but worth looking at the site and their science strategy. /....More
Number of Grand Challenges identified:
The report and response on the impartiality of BBC coverage of science has been published - commissioned by the BBC Trust. Interesting reading overall, with a conclusion of a high quality of coverage, but areas for improvement. In broad terms there is a need to improve the appropriate weight given in terms of the scientific consensus (where this exists) in areas of controversy - so how pro and con views on human-induced climate change are given. A lot of detail and case studies over a particular time period in evidence. One slight oddity is that it does not appear that wildlife/nature programming is considered as science: perhaps this is because the scientific basis is not explicit to the layperson?