Science Policy UK: Welsh Science Advisory Council - Y Cyngor Cynghori ar Wyddoniaeth Cymru


A new Science Advisory Council has been formed by the Welsh Assembly, to meet for the first time on 1 December 2010, chaired by John Harries, the Welsh Chief Scientific Adviser.  /....


Membership listed is:

Paul Allen, FRSA, B.Eng (Hons) - External Relations Director for Centre
for Alternative Technology (CAT), Machynlleth;

Professor Huw Beynon, D.SocSc, AcSS, Cardiff University

Professor Simon Bradley, FRGS, Vice President TCC5, EADS Innovation
Works, Newport;

Mr Kevin Bygate, BEng, CEng, MIET, Director Business Development Tata
Steel UK Ltd;

Professor Bridget Emmett, PhD, FSB, Head of Site, Centre for Ecology
& Hydrology (NERC), Bangor and Honorary
Research Professor at Bangor

Professor Sir Martin Evans, PhD, ScD, FMedSci, FRS, Nobel Laureate
President, Cardiff

Professor Chris Gaskell, BVSc, PhD, DVR, MRCVS, Principal of the Royal
Agricultural College, Cirencester;

Professor Sian Hope, MPhil, MBCS, Executive Director of Innovation and
Professor of Computer Science, Director of RIVIC, Bangor University;

Dr Jim Houlihan, PhD, Head of Innovation Policy, Intellectual Property
Office, Newport;

Mr D John Jeans, CEng - Deputy Chief Executive & Chief Operating
Officer-Medical Research Council;

Professor Tavi Murray, PhD, Awarded Polar Medal by HM Queen for
"outstanding service to Polar Research”, Head of the Glaciology Group, Swansea University;

Professor Chris Pollock, CBE, MA, PhD, DSc, FRAgS, CBiol, FSB, Honorary Research
Professor at Aberystwyth

Professor Ole H. Petersen, CBE, FRCP, FMedSci, FRS,  Director, School of Bioscience,
Cardiff University;

Ms Wendy Sadler, MSc, Director - Science Made Simple c/o Cardiff University;

Professor Sir John Meurig Thomas, MA, ScD, D.Univ, FRS, FREng, FRSE , Cambridge University;

Professor Ken Walters, D.Sc. FRS, Distinguished Research Professor at Aberystwyth University

Professor Robin Williams, CBE, FRS, CPhys, FInstP, Former Vice
Chancellor and Emeritus Professor, Swansea


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Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith