Science Policy UK: Concordat on Public Engagement with science


The major UK research funders have drawn up a concordat on public engagement with science, setting out a set of principles and briefings for research scientists, employers and others. /...


The principles are:

  1. UK research organisations have a strategic commitment to public engagement 
  2. Researchers are recognised and valued for their involvement with public engagement
  3. Researchers are enabled to participate in public engagement activities through
    appropriate training, support and opportunities
  4. The signatories and supporters of this Concordat will undertake regular reviews of their
    and the wider research sector’s progress in fostering public engagement across the UK


Research Councils UK
Higher Education Funding Council for England
Higher Education Funding Council for Wales
Department for Employment and Learning (DEL), N.
Scottish Funding Council
The British Academy
The Royal Academy of Engineering
The Royal Society


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