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The UK government's Department of Business, Innovation and Skills has published the report of the Triennial Review of the Research Councils. The review concluded that the current structure remained appropriate, but makes recommendations on various changes that aim at improving the use of public funds, accountability and efficiency. The report contains much interesting material
The White House Office of Science & Technology Policy recently issued a new policy on the management of scientific collections, accompanied by a White House blog.
The UK parliament's Environmental Audit Committee produced a report on 16 April 2014 on Invasive Non-Native Species - it's a fair overview of the current situation in the UK and was prompted by the drafting and development of EU regulation on invasive alien species. The EU measures are still in process and include the use of lists of invasive organisms that are common priorities across the EU.
On 14 April 2014 the European Council approved a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on compliance measures for users from the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization in the Union (PE-COS 131/13).
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has issued three Working Group Reports for its Fifth assessment
- The Physical Science Basis
- Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability (in two volumes)
- Mitigation of Climate Change
A synthesis report is expected following a meeting of IPCC in Autumn 2014.
An interesting paper on the decline of scientific natural history in developed countries:
and an editorial in response from Nature:
Editorial (2014) Natural Decline. Nature 508, 7–8 (03 April 2014) doi:10.1038/508007b
The House of Commons Science and Technology committee published Communicating Climate Science (with additional evidence) on 2 April 2014, the report of an inquiry that looked at channels, messages, impact and responsibilities in the UK.
The UK House of Lords has published a report on its inquiry Soft Power and the UK’s Influence. A primary focus on public diplomacy, including the activities of science, education, museums and others in the context of diplomacy. Makes a substantial list of recommendations to the UK government.
The UK Royal Society for the Protection of Birds is launching a new Centre for Conservation Science on 26 Feb 2014 with a Report that provides a useful overview of RSPB science over the past decade, including case studies, scientist profiles and other information.
The UK parliament's House of Commons Science and Technology Committee has published the report of its inquiry on Women in Scientific Careers. Key points: