Citizen Science: Bioblitz guide
A revised Guide to Running a Bioblitz 2.0 has been produced by the Bristol Natural History Consortium, Natural History Museum, Stockholm Environment Institute York, and the Marine Biological Association
A revised Guide to Running a Bioblitz 2.0 has been produced by the Bristol Natural History Consortium, Natural History Museum, Stockholm Environment Institute York, and the Marine Biological Association
There is a loose UK network of organisations collecting and communicating data. A key focus is the UK Defra Non-Native Species Secretariat (NNSS)
Recording Invasive Species Counts (RISC) programme. In collaboration with the NERC CEH - Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (the Biological Records Centre) - it provides reporting software that gathers information - with links to the National Biodiversity Network. Species and corresponding organisations collaborating in RISC are: /more.....Animals:
And outside the RISC programme, there are other mapping and recording schemes that capture invasive data:
These are the citizen science/mass observation projects. There are many more species listed, research project and eradication initiatives listed on the GB Non-Native Species Secretariat site.