Science Policy: UK-India Impact symposium 2010
Report of a symposium on collaborative research impact held in Delhi, organised by RCUK
Report of a symposium on collaborative research impact held in Delhi, organised by RCUK
Strongly recommend Knowledge, Networks and Nations, the new report on international collaboration in science from the Royal Society.
New RCUK (Research Councils UK - an umbrella/strategic body) delivery plan for 2011-15.
MIT produced a 1999 report on the status of women faculty members in science and engineering, with further work in 2002. A new 2011 report records improvements and makes recommendations for the future.
A brief interview on the Nature site with Bai Chunli, new President of CAS.
The UK Science Council - an umbrella NGO for various science organisations - has produced a site that maps location and information for scientists and science organisations - the Hidden Science Map.
The UK government-funded ScienceWise ERC has a range of citizen science projects running with museums and science centres in the UK - Science Museum, Oxford, Newcastle and Glasgow - public debate and interaction on issues such as drugs and addiction, use of DNA information and other scientific questions.
Editorial in Science - John Durant and Alaa Ibrahim, Celebrating the Culture of Science, Science 11 March 2011: Vol. 331 no. 6022 p. 1242 DOI: 10.1126/science.1204773. Underlines the values of reasoning, openness, tolerance, and respect for evidence and argues that science should be celebrated in the same way as the arts and humanities as a part of our culture.
The US National Human Genome Research Institute has produced useful analysis on the fall in costs of sequencing over the past few years, showing a tremendous fall in costs from July 2008. Good resources on a whole range of issues, including bioethics.
The ICSU Committee on Freedom and Responsibility in the conduct of Science (CFRS) issued an Advisory note on science communication in December 2010..../more
It is interesting in emphasising the role of public communication as part of the professional role of scientists, but equally it is limited in the emphasis on the communication by the scientist of findings or results, not stretching as far as public engagement, but probably reflects the likely reality for most scientists. Favourable comment on ScienceWise and SciDevNet.