Biodiversity policy: EU Invasive species
The EU has launched EASIN, the European Alien Species Information Network, aiming to give better access to web information resources across Europe.
The EU has launched EASIN, the European Alien Species Information Network, aiming to give better access to web information resources across Europe.
JNCC has published a Post-2010 Biodiversity Framework for the UK. Provides a useful overview of the various strategy documents and progress towards implementation for the four countries of the UK
The EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020 was adopted in April 2012 - a useful policy timeline sets out the steps and decisons made to reach this point. The main EU nature and biodiversity page also has links to a brochure celebrating 20 years of the Habitats Directive. Birdlife have produced a website and recent report On the Road to Recovery that examines EU progress towards meeting the 2020 targets.