Science policy: Citizen science and social media
A useful overview article in Yale environment360 on citizen science and social media.
A useful overview article in Yale environment360 on citizen science and social media.
Another facet to the public engagement/science in society/citizen science complex of activities - science shops, which have apparently been around since the 1970s with an international network. The idea seems to be to develop an interface at which the public can request/participate in/engage with research with a research provider such as a university. ScienceWise ERC provides news on a new EU injection of funds. Interesting network of collaborators in the new PREPARES project.
BBC has launched a ladybird survey website with interactive keys and reporting - ties in with the long running NERC Centre for Ecology and Hydrology CEH ladybird initiative. Interesting to compare this citizen science intiative involving the public in recording with the previous post on ScienceWise where citizen science is very much about public participation in discussion on the social implications or application of science.
The UK government-funded ScienceWise ERC has a range of citizen science projects running with museums and science centres in the UK - Science Museum, Oxford, Newcastle and Glasgow - public debate and interaction on issues such as drugs and addiction, use of DNA information and other scientific questions.
As an example of integration of research with public engagement, worth looking at the Cornell Ornithology citizen science site. This is citizen science in the traditional US sense - volunteer participation in recording and data gathering, like last weekend's RSPB Garden Birdwatch.
An update on evaluations of public discourse/citizen science from ScienceWise ERC - synthetic biology from EPSRC/BBSRC and animals containing human material from the Academy of Medical Sciences.